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What is AcuBalanceTherapy(JB Threrapy)

Writer: Annie AnAnnie An

This video based on an interview conducted for an advertisement in a newspaper before the 1st American Jongboo Seminar held in Seattle in August 2022.

Surprisingly, there are still many people who do not know the principle of JongBoo. Can you give us a brief description of what kind of medical science JongBoo is?

I am Jongboo Park, the founder of the Jongboo principle. The principle of Jongboo is a theory created by looking at the world from a unique perspective. Among them, only the principles for the human body were named as Jongboo Therapy.

In the past, it was presented to the world as the Human Body Wave principle. What western medical science has in common is a scientific view of the human body. The difference is a quantum mechanical, holistic view of the human body rather than a reductionist approach. Although the acupuncture points of oriental medicine look similar, the principles and treatment methods are very different.

Quantum mechanics and epigenetics, which are the latest studies, can explain the energy field principle of Jongboo Therapy. So, if you go into the professional contents, there are the energy field principle, wave principle, faucet principle, and nerve knot principle. Of these, I will explain only the easy-to-understand fractal principle and malfunction principle.

In general, the theory of fractal structure is that small shapes repeat to create large shapes, and at this time, the large shapes are similar to the small shapes. The shape of the leaf veins and the shape of the tree itself are similar, and the shape of the solar system resembles the shape of our universe. That is, the parts are similar in shape to the whole. In the principle of Jongboo, this is newly named as the fractal principle, which states that not only the shape but also the entire energy field resembles each other. Our human body appears to be composed of different shapes, but one part represents the whole.

In the principle of Jongboo, it is explained that the energy field repeats in countless places in the internal organs, such as the feet, face, and arms. Through moles, wrinkles, and distorted shapes on the face, arms, and legs, you can diagnose where the body is tense and where there is pain.

Next is the Principle of Malfunction. If you sprain your ankle and have pain, the hospital will give you ice packs or make you lift your feet. If one part is injured, it should be healed quickly by improving blood circulation. On the contrary, if it is cooled and blood is reduced, the pain is reduced, swelling is reduced, and recovery is speedy. How does the healing get faster by slowing the circulation? This is the principle of Malfunction. In order to heal quickly, the brain sends too much treatment material, which rather interferes with treatment. This is the same principle as using antihistamines. What the world has found out through experience, the new human body system explains to us today.

Now, Let me explain the treatment principle of Jongboo. When the heart starts to hurt, the muscles around the heart get together and put pressure on the nerves, which causes pain when you press around the heart. The malfunctioning area is sending an excessive amount of immune substances from the brain, circulation is difficult, causing muscle tension and pain. At this time, through the fractal principle, all Jungboo points in the body cause pain by the energy field.

If you stimulate the heart related Jongboo acupoint (different from the acupuncture point) of the arm, hand, or leg, which has the same fractal principle as the heart, you can immediately experience the disappearance of pain around the heart. When the pain disappears, the tension in the muscles disappears, and from this point on, the circulation in that area becomes smooth and the treatment proceeds naturally.

So many miraculous things can happen so easily.

Moving on to brain therapy that treats brain malfunctions. That's why dementia, stroke, and Parkinson's disease can be treated, and even heart disease, which is the number one cause of death in the United States, is the easiest to treat.

More information and miracle stories can be found on YouTube (JPtv JongBoo Therapy).


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